Reducing stress with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
With the sunshine fading and the nights starting to draw in, it’s not uncommon for people to experience a low mood in the Autumn months, especially if we have enjoyed a summer break with a spot of sun, sea, and sand.
It can also be tough to get back into the swing of things when darker mornings and early commutes become combined with working in a stressful environment.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help to improve people’s moods. We all have what we term a metaphorical 'stress bucket.' When we experience negative thinking, that metaphorical 'stress bucket' starts to fill up until, eventually, it starts to overflow and then we can find it difficult to cope.
During my sessions I use Solution Focused Hypnotherapy which can be really effective in helping people to empty their 'stress bucket' levels. By encouraging them to focus on the positive aspects of their lives and to work through solutions, they are able to move their life forwards in the way in which they want it to be, towards their 'preferred future.'
Each session includes an Hypnosis aspect where my client is guided into a trance state. Trance is actually perfectly normal and we go in and out of trance on a regular basis every day – it is simply the brain’s way of processing information and emptying the 'stress bucket.' Through the use of the trance state, I am effectively aiding my client to empty their 'stress bucket' and so allowing them to be able to cope with life in a more contented way.
Stress can manifest itself in a number of ways and Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is designed to help people by focusing on future events in their life to make tomorrow better than today.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool for helping people to reduce their stress loads but, obviously, it is important that people also remember that their doctor is there if they need to discuss any stress-related issues with their GP.