Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Do you ever struggle with unwanted and intrusive negative thoughts? Do you sometimes find yourself checking the front door is locked or the kettle is definitely switched off for the umpteenth time? Do you find obsessive thinking is getting in the way of leading a positive life?

If you’ve answered 'yes' to these questions, you may find Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help to ease your mind away from thinking endless negative thoughts.  In extreme cases, people can struggle to leave their own home as they become more consumed with these thoughts and behaviours.
People often seek my help with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD.  Our daily lives can be increasingly stressful in the modern world so sometimes our brain struggles to adapt to the challenges we face.  As such, it tries to protect us by re-checking things again and again, or introducing obsessive thinking into our lives. Negative thoughts then end up in something we term as a ‘stress bucket.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy aims to empty the stress bucket, enabling you to have a more relaxed and confident outlook on life.  This helps you to stop worrying and to focus on the positive aspects of your life as a whole.
I offer an Initial Consultation to explain how the brain works when we’re struggling with OCD and how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can be beneficial for you. I will also provide you with a relaxation CD for you to listen to as you fall asleep at night, which is such an important part of the whole process as it helps with the ‘bucket’ emptying!”
Each session is designed to focus the mind into thinking positively prior to entering the trance state, which most people tend to find relaxing and soothing.  The number of sessions to help people with this condition can vary.  As with any medical issue, it is so important to also remember that your GP is there to help. 

If you're struggling with this condition, give me a call to find out how I can help you. 

I look forward to hearing from you!