Hypnotherapy Can Help Nervous Flyers

Easter is a time when you may be dreaming of that summer holiday and jetting off somewhere hot and sunny, but for a significant number of people the idea of getting onto a plane can make them feel quite nervous.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses tried and tested techniques to help you overcome that 'fear response' you experience, which can result in tense and uneasy feelings as you either approach an airport or board a plane.

I will work with you, normally over a period of about four sessions, to help you be able to approach the idea of flying in a calm, confident and relaxed manner.

I provide an initial consultation first during which I explain why we can sometimes feel fearful about specific situations, such as flying, before explaining how the process of hypnotherapy can help you overcome any difficulties.

Further sessions use hypnosis to ease the mind into a relaxed and calm state before I work with you to help you to overcome your fear and aid you in being able to look forward to the flight itself.

We have found that people often come to us feeling nervous about the idea of flying but, following the sessions, they can go off on holiday and find that they can actually relax and enjoy the experience of  being on a plane!

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help in other areas of life too, from improving confidence to reducing stress, aiding sleep and weight management through to helping someone to stop smoking.

By working with a fully trained and qualified Solution Focused Hypnotherapy practitioner like me, it is possible to achieve a crucial change in thinking that can make a real difference when it comes to improving aspects of your life. 

The sky's the limit!