Lovely things my clients have said
On this page you will find comments from some of my clients, describing their experiences when working with me, and undergoing Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and how it has helped them to change what they've wanted to change. They are organised into sections based on the issue the client sought my help for.

"I first realised I was battling anxiety when I happened to see a piece by Kirsten Corley – How To Love Someone With Anxiety. It said it all, there it was in black and white, a mirror image of how I felt, and what I was going through."
"I first realised I was battling anxiety when I happened to see a piece by Kirsten Corley – How To Love Someone With Anxiety. It said it all, there it was in black and white, a mirror image of how I felt, and what I was going through. I sent the link to my partner, in a hope he may have some understanding of how I was feeling and why I was acting slightly crazy...
Upon first meeting Kim, I told her of my struggle with anxiety. My loving stable relationship had been slightly rocked, leaving me unable to deal with the aftermath without some help. I went through feelings of distrust towards my partner, a man I loved and longed to trust again. My anxiety was making it hard for me to deal with him leaving the house and enjoy time with his friend’s as well as questioning his use of social media.
At first I had little understanding as to what was happening to me when my other half left the house, I’d start by feeling down and generally sad, as the evening would go on I would find myself becoming very panicked and began to become very angry. I would experience bouts of pain in my tummy and uncontrollable crying, unable to calm myself down I got to the point where I realised there was more to it.
After reading an article on Anxiety I decided it was time to get some help. I won’t lie, I was sceptical about the hypnotherapy but with nothing to lose I decided to keep an open mind. Even after my initial consultation with Kim I felt like a weight had been lifted. I continued to have a further 12-14 sessions of hypnotherapy, every time leaving feeling like I had got a step further.
By the end of my time with Kim, I did not only feel like I had been healed and put back together by this amazing lady, I also learned a lot about myself. With my partner's support and understanding we have come so far since finishing my treatment.
I feel like I have my life back along with a beautiful future ahead of us."
"I just wanted to write to thank you for all your help and tell you I had my graduation ceremony last week."
"I just wanted to write to thank you for all your help and tell you I had my graduation ceremony last week. I can still remember how anxious and stressed I felt about my Uni work before coming to you and how I was almost ready to give it up, but you gave me the confidence to believe that I really could achieve my goal of getting a 2:1.
It was amazing how you were able to pin-point the causes of my stress so quickly and help completely change my state of mind with a few thought exercises and lifestyle changes.
Comparing the feeling of before to how I feel now is just incredible, I still use your techniques now to help give me confidence and motivation.
P.S. I got a First!"
"I realised I had developed an eating disorder when foods I had been consuming for many years were no longer appealing to me and I was experiencing extreme tension and panic attacks when presented with some of these foods."
"I realised I had developed an eating disorder when foods I had been consuming for many years were no longer appealing to me and I was experiencing extreme tension and panic attacks when presented with some of these foods.
Making visits to restaurants and eating at home with my wife and friends was becoming very scary. Intense sessions with Kim realigned my brain and thoughts and readjusted my way of thinking to great effect, thank you very much."
"I developed anxiety attacks at the age of 38 after the birth of my first child. The trigger, bizarrely, was water."
"I developed anxiety attacks at the age of 38 after the birth of my first child. The trigger, bizarrely, was water. I could not drink water, look at a glass of water or even think about water without experiencing shortness of breath, restlessness, panic and uncontrollable crying accompanied by a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. This fear then spread to other things, including all cold drinks, and swimming. I started to feel trapped, and this was compounding by a feeling of guilt that by not drinking water I was not able to feed my baby well enough. Fear then came into all parts of my life as a mum, from bathing my baby to worrying about dropping her.
I saw Kim, and immediately started a course of sessions designed to stop anxiety. I had a CD to listen to, which I did every evening in between sessions. During the sessions I learnt how to control the onset of the anxiety, being mindful of fearful thoughts, but not dwelling on them. I practised breathing techniques at home several times a day, and kept myself occupied and sociable so as not to spiral downwards, and keep the logical part of my brain in control.
I started addressing the fear of water by drinking an inch out of a glass a day, right before doing something enjoyable such as having a bath or watching my favourite programme. Gradually drinking water became associated with positive thing. I would increase the amount and frequency every few days until I could drink a glass of water and the impending fear of doom lifted from me like a mist.
I began to see the positive things about my life again and enjoy them, mostly being a mum and spending time with my little girl, without fear that something was going to happen to her. The other fears just then melted away and do not feature in my life at all now. Half of a session with Kim is just talking, and I found this as useful as the trance. Talking with friends or family who didn’t understand anxiety often added to the confusion and left me feeling like I was going mad as I could not convey the feelings. Kim listens in a non-judgemental way and always has a positive spin to put on things. Rather than telling me what to do, she would get me to come up with the answer myself, thereby exercising my brain in the right way to help myself.
I learnt how to relax again and every time I felt my pulse rise and anxiety welling, I could employ techniques to relax, breathe and concentrate on other things. After 3 months, the anxiety has gone. If I think back now to that part of my life, it seems incredible that I was controlled by my primitive brain, yet at the time it felt all-consuming and that I wouldn’t get out of it.
Hypnosis gives you a chance to shut out absolutely everything else and just concentrate on yourself and re-training your brain to think differently. I think of my brain as a muscle that needs exercise, otherwise it won’t work properly. My sessions with Kim were like going to the gym for my brain! Afterwards I always felt better, more positive and one step closer to shaking the anxiety that had affected me for 3 months."
"Thank you for all your help, I am certainly getting back on track now!"
"Thank you for all your help, I am certainly getting back on track now! The great thing about the help you gave me, is when the clouds start to gather now I know what to do and I usually manage to shake them off which is so good. It not only cheers me up but gives me a great sense of achievement and control, so thank you."
"Hi Kim, I want to say thank you so much for your help over the past months - My life has totally turned around and I am so happy!"
"Hi Kim, I want to say thank you so much for your help over the past months - My life has totally turned around and I am so happy! I do feel strong and that I can continue to maintain this on my own now!"
Thanks again for all your help, I have learnt some fantastic life skills that I know will make a difference to mine and others lives also.
Thanks again for all your help, I have learnt some fantastic life skills that I know will make a difference to mine and others lives also.

"The sessions with Kim were brilliant for me and my partner to work together on breathing, relaxation and visualising how I wanted things to be. The baby enjoyed them too, and would lie still for the duration of the session. At home I listened to the CDs, often falling asleep to them."
"The sessions with Kim were brilliant for me and my partner to work together on breathing, relaxation and visualising how I wanted things to be. The baby enjoyed them too, and would lie still for the duration of the session. At home I listened to the CDs, often falling asleep to them.
At 5am on the Monday, I went into active labour and my waters broke at 5.30am. There was no time to fill the birthing pool or set anything up – a quick check by the midwife confirmed the baby was rushing to meet us! Labour was very quick, and I used gas and air for 20 minutes. Martha was born after 4 pushes at 5.50am. There were no complications and although I didn’t use the pool, the sessions with Kim and the CDs had prepared me for changes in the plan, and I just adapted to the new scenario and got on with it!
I had exactly the birth I was hoping for. She was my first baby and many people comment on how ‘easy’ I had it! I tell them that learning to relax is worth it! Martha was an incredibly relaxed newborn, sleeping for 7 hours each night from the start.
I am really glad I did birth hypnosis because it helped me concentrate on me and my baby and not be affected by the enormous amount of advice, opinion and scaremongering that pregnant women can be subject to. Every baby, every birth and everybody is different, and I was adamant that my experience was going to be positive and unique to me, and birth hypnosis with Kim helped me achieve that."
"I wanted to write to you to thank you for introducing me to self hypnosis. The guidance you provided helped me achieve the birth I wanted."
"I wanted to write to you to thank you for introducing me to self hypnosis. The guidance you provided helped me achieve the birth I wanted.
It all started with my waters breaking, contractions didn't start until a few hours later, although when they started they were instantly strong. I was able to control the feelings the contractions gave by focusing on preserving my energy. I strongly believe I was able to stay calm and to do this from listening to your CD every day for the months leading up to this moment, and the sessions you provided. I also used a birth ball to make myself more comfortable.
I remained calm throughout my labour, and stayed in my own home until I was 4 1/2cm dilated where I then went into the Trowbridge Birth Centre. Once I had been examined, I then listened to the CD to help me remain focused as the contractions were then getting much stronger. My labour was very fast and intense, and I did opt to use gas and air towards the end, but found I only needed to use this at the peak of the contraction.
My first child, Leon, was born at 7:58 in the morning after only 3 1/2 hours of active labour and 13 minutes of pushing, an outstanding result for my first baby which I am incredibly proud of. I do believe this was down to me feeling in control and calm throughout the experience. Thank you again for helping me to achieve a pleasant and very rewarding birth.”
"My baby boy arrived into the world on 17th October and after all the best laid plans it was discovered he was breech and too large/late to turn him, so I ended up having a caesarian at very short notice."
"My baby boy arrived into the world on 17th October and after all the best laid plans it was discovered he was breech and too large/late to turn him, so I ended up having a caesarian at very short notice. I must say though that I am sure all the things I had practised with you still helped me to have a calm and easy operation and my partner said how impressed he was with how I dealt with the surgery, smiling and coherant when my baby boy was produced.
Also I have found that with sleep being in very short supply recently, I am able to use my skills to relax deeply and quickly to get optimum sleep whenever the odd half hour is available, so even though I didn't get to use them for the birth, I still consider it to have been a worthwhile investment.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend hypnobirthing and just want to say thanks again."
"Our baby boy was born entirely of his own accord (38+2) after my waters broke on the Monday night!"
"Our baby boy was born entirely of his own accord (38+2) after my waters broke on the Monday night!
Thank you for all your help with the self-hypnosis, I used it throughout the process along with some paracetamol and Entonox towards the end. It kept me really calm and was particularly useful for the car journey to the RUH! Pretty my husband was way more stressed than I was!"

"Over the years I had lost my confidence and self esteem, so making the decision to get help was a big one. It took over a year for me to pluck up the courage to contact Kim and make an appointment. It was one of the best decisions I have made for myself."
"Over the years I had lost my confidence and self esteem, so making the decision to get help was a big one. It took over a year for me to pluck up the courage to contact Kim and make an appointment. It was one of the best decisions I have made for myself.
Kim made me feel instantly at ease, she is extremely friendly and she really knows her stuff. With each week that passed I began to feel a change inside. My confidence started coming through and my self worth grew.
Kim taught me how to see positives in everything and how not to let negative things bring me down. I can't thank her enough for her help."
"Whilst on holiday to Cyprus, I visited a little lagoon every day to snorkel. Did you ever imagine I would be saying that? I picked up 2 stones from the bottom of the lagoon and visited the hotel pool. By the second day, I was floating and swimming with a snorkel!"
"Whilst on holiday to Cyprus, I visited a little lagoon every day to snorkel. Did you ever imagine I would be saying that? I picked up 2 stones from the bottom of the lagoon and visited the hotel pool. By the second day, I was floating and swimming with a snorkel! I also went to one of the water parks and went on every ride except one (it was far too high) I would never have done that previously!
Since returning home, I have booked proper swimming lessons, and attend once a week.
It is with much thanks to you, and your sessions, that I feel this good. I think you have brought my confidence and positivity to the fore. It appears that everything is good, and I am very, very happy. The 'positivity' is flowing out of me from every pore!"
"Working with Kim changed me dramatically, I am a completely different person and so much happier and more confident. Kim has helped me to see life with positive eyes and keep perspective on things that happen. Kim has helped me feel strong and positive again, so that I can move forward."
"Working with Kim changed me dramatically, I am a completely different person and so much happier and more confident. Kim has helped me to see life with positive eyes and keep perspective on things that happen. Kim has helped me feel strong and positive again, so that I can move forward.
As a happy and welcome side effect, after decades of trying, I have now got a grip on my eating and exercise habits and am steadily losing all my excess weight. I want to thank you so much Kim, you've helped me become the person I am."
"Hi, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for my teenage daughter. She is so much happier and confident in herself.
"Hi, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for my teenage daughter. She is so much happier and confident in herself. I'm not sure exactly what you did but it definately worked. I couldn't be more pleased and more importantly nor could she.
Thank you again and I will always recommend you to anyone else."
"I had suffered from low self-esteem all my life and lacked self-confidence. Now I was faced with delivering a wedding speech to 100 people because my daughter was engaged and the wedding date had been set.
"I had suffered from low self-esteem all my life and lacked self-confidence. Now I was faced with delivering a wedding speech to 100 people because my daughter was engaged and the wedding date had been set. As the big day drew nearer I was getting more and more worried, losing sleep and feeling extremely apprehensive.
The brilliant sessions with Kim dispelled my anxieties and a good sleep pattern was restored which helped enormously. When the big day arrived I was ready not only to deliver my speech but ad-lib as well! Afterwards I received lots of congratulations - which was just amazing and my daughter loved my speech.
Now I feel as if my life has been re-booted, a good sleep pattern is well established and there’ll be no going back to the bad old days. So, thank you Kim."
"I just wanted to tell you my amazing news ... I got my dream job in Cyprus!"
"I just wanted to tell you my amazing news ... I got my dream job in Cyprus! It's so exciting and thanks to you and your help it's given me the confidence in myself. Thank you so much!"

"I have bitten my nails since as long as I can remember and I had tried everything over the years to break the habit but nothing ever worked."
"I have bitten my nails since as long as I can remember and I had tried everything over the years to break the habit but nothing ever worked.
I had learned to hide my nails and always felt so embarrassed if anyone ever noticed them. Even holding a glass at a party or in a pub would make me feel uncomfortable.
During my sessions, Kim explained how the different parts of the brain work and helped me to look at everything in a different way, it was a gradual process and I came away from the sessions relaxed and calm, Kim didn't need to know anything about me or my personal life or past or try to work out how or why the habit had started.
I now have lovely nails and last weekend I treated myself to a manicure and nail polish, the way I hold my hands is so different now, I can't imagine even wanting to bite them now."

"I came to Kim harboring a great deal of anxiety, much of which was around my struggles with sleep. I’d had numerous nights of getting virtually no sleep at all and it was really starting to take its toll on me – very much affecting my day-to-day life."
I" came to Kim harboring a great deal of anxiety, much of which was around my struggles with sleep. I’d had numerous nights of getting virtually no sleep at all and it was really starting to take its toll on me – very much affecting my day-to-day life.
Her knowledge and ‘illustrations’ of how the brain works were really helpful to me in understanding more about my anxieties. And very soon after the weekly trance sessions – and listening nightly to Kim’s MP3 sleep track - I started to once again be able to get a good night’s sleep.
Now I’m once again enjoying my sleep and have the tools to cope with any bouts of anxiety a lot more affectively.
Thanks Kim, I cannot recommend you enough!"

"Kim made me feel relaxed and at ease right from the start. It became apparent that my problems were all centered on my weight. The last time that I went to the doctors and got my weight checked I was twenty seven and a half stone."
"Kim made me feel relaxed and at ease right from the start. It became apparent that my problems were all centred on my weight. The last time that I went to the doctors and got my weight checked I was twenty seven and a half stone. As a result of the sessions I have had with Kim, I have lost just over five stone.
One of Kim’s favourite sayings is little changes make a big difference and she is so right. As for motivation, the jobs around the house are getting done as they appear, and I feel so much better in myself, the differences are amazing.
I would recommend Kim’s hypnotherapy sessions to anybody."

"I just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that we successfully crossed the Channel!!"
"I just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that we successfully crossed the Channel!! We did it in 17hrs and 20mins. We started out from Dover at 10.51am on Monday morning and landed in France at 4.11am on Tuesday morning. We were overjoyed to have done it as it was incredibly tough and touch and go at times.
We had extremely rough conditions to start with and although I was a little sick (not one of us didn't suffer) I wasn't as bad as I could've been and I still managed to get on with the task in hand and carry on. I even started to feel fine towards the end and was able to support my team mates a bit better.
I want to say a massive thank you for all of your help and support, I think what you do is incredible and as you know my life in general has been enhanced massively as a result of my hypnotherapy sessions. Please keep up the amazing work you do!
Thank you again and kindest regards."
"I wanted to thank you so much for all you have done to help me."
"I wanted to thank you so much for all you have done to help me. I am currently on holiday with my family ~ a big step after last summer ~ and having a fabulous time.
Since I last saw you I have been in a lift 6 times and survived!!"
"I am just back from a fabulous holiday!"
"I am just back from a fabulous holiday! The flight was no problem either way and I didn't get anxious.
Thank you for all your help and I am looking forward to the next holiday!"
"After many years of suffering with a severe dental phobia I decided enough was enough and it was time to get some help. It is difficult to fully describe the impact this was causing to my life and health but it had taken over."
"After many years of suffering with a severe dental phobia I decided enough was enough and it was time to get some help. It is difficult to fully describe the impact this was causing to my life and health but it had taken over. I saw several adverts for Kim and it seemed that fate had played a hand in helping me overcome my phobia."
The sessions with Kim are calm and relaxing – nothing like the TV hypnosis! You retain full consciousness & awareness at all times and you also gain a neurological understanding of why your brain has become a little unwired and how to fix it!
After years of being told that my phobia was silly or childish I was finally talking to someone who didn't judge me; who didn't make fun of my phobia or belittle the impact it was having on me. Kim explains the parts of the brain that controls rational and irrational behaviours which gives you a little boost because you can now see that you weren’t ‘just being silly.'
I assumed that my sessions with Kim would just focus on my phobia, but you actually gain much more from the sessions as you learn about coping strategies (such as breathing and visualisation) that help you deal with life’s general stresses and strains as well as helping with the initial reason for going.
My sessions with Kim have now ended but I leave knowing that I have learnt many valuable skills that I can put into practice at any time (at my desk when at work/on the train/when sat at home watching TV!) which will ground me, calm me and help me deal with whatever challenges I face now or may come across in the future."
"I have just returned from a wonderful family holiday in Italy. We went away in a large family group for a wedding which is something that I would have found very difficult before you treated me for my Emetophobia."
"I have just returned from a wonderful family holiday in Italy. We went away in a large family group for a wedding which is something that I would have found very difficult before you treated me for my Emetophobia. I had a fantastic time without worrying about what I was eating or drinking and didn't worry all the time about other people being ill.
On one of the evenings my hubby had too much to drink and was actually sick. I managed to cope with it and used the breathing techniques you taught me. I found that afterwards it did not stay on my mind for long and I have now forgotten about it. I had a much more enjoyable time than I would have had previously and have found that I am now enjoying social occasions and days out so much more.
Thank you once again for helping me to cope!"
"We came to Kim not knowing very much about Hypnotherapy after our 8 year old son had been receiving counselling for anxiety, which we didn't feel was particularly helpful for him. He had a poor and erratic sleep pattern and struggled to cope in certain situations."
"We came to Kim not knowing very much about Hypnotherapy after our 8 year old son had been receiving counselling for anxiety, which we didn't feel was particularly helpful for him. He had a poor and erratic sleep pattern and struggled to cope in certain situations. He also had high anxiety during periods of bad weather and an extreme phobia of dogs and some other animals. After an extreme panic attack we decided it was time to try something else for him.
Kim was great at explaining the details of how the sessions would work to us, before speaking to our son. Kim also met with us all together so that she could explain things to him in a child friendly manner which really helped lower any anxiety there may have been.
Very quickly after starting sessions, and listening to the MP3 track at every bedtime, he was sleeping through the night again which was amazing and was the first big positive step for him, as we know everything is harder when you haven't slept well. We were seeing improvements with his phobias after a month or so and were all feeling very positive about his progress. He was building up a great trusting relationship with Kim too, and really had a much less negative thought process.
After a couple of months he started to want to face his fears and after 9/10 sessions he asked Kim if he could meet her dog, which was absolutely amazing! By the time we had completed session 11 he was asking to go for walks where he would be able to see dogs! We couldn't believe it as this was something that just would not have happened before. Walks could be very stressful for him, and for us as a family.
Our son now has a pet puppy of his own, and is growing in confidence all the time as Kim has given him the tools and thinking strategies that he needs to overcome any little daily obstacles that before would have caused high anxiety and poor behaviour due to being unable to cope in the situation.
We can't thank Kim enough for all of her help and support with our son, and our family as a whole. I would recommend this therapy to anybody that is wondering if it may be beneficial, as it really is!!"