Conditions worked with
Hypnotherapy can help with many conditions where the cause or exacerbation of the problem is rooted in the mind, even though it may manifest itself physically in the body. Below is a list of common conditions and a brief explanation of how and why hypnotherapy can help. Please do contact me if you don’t see what ails you on this list.
It's important to note that success is not guaranteed as full client participation is essential in order to achieve long term success.

Stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety are on the increase, particularly since Covid-19, and hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in helping to reduce these levels. Quite often we react to certain situations that cause us to feel stressed and anxious. Through hypnotherapy we can learn to change those reactions and deal with situations in a different and more positive way, effectively reframing our responses and reducing our levels of stress and anxiety as a welcome consequence.

Confidence and self esteem
Lack of confidence and low self esteem can have a detrimental effect on all areas of our lives, whether that’s in our relationships, at work, at home or when we are socialising. Through hypnosis it’s possible to access the subconscious mind where negative beliefs, thoughts and behaviours can be updated to more positive ones, thereby increasing our feelings of confidence and self esteem that ultimately result in improvements in our life.

Insomnia, which affects one in 4 people, can be a debilitating condition that can result in poor concentration and memory, irritability, exhaustion and poor performance at work. It can manifest as difficulty in getting to sleep, or waking repeatedly during the night. Quite often we can worry that we’re not going to get a good night’s sleep, and this can exacerbate the condition. Hypnotherapy helps by encouraging relaxation physically and mentally and insights can be developed as to the reasons for the sleepless nights, empowering the individual to address these situations that result in a better night’s rest.

Weight issues
We all know that to maintain a healthy weight, we need to eat a sensible diet and to take regular exercise. Most of us have been on a diet at some point in our lives, but long term diets are just not enough as they address the physiological aspect but not the psychological aspect! At times our subconscious will promote comfort responses, such as the overeating of food or the withdrawal of food, in order to alleviate the stress, anxiety or low mood we are feeling and this can result in losing control of our eating.
Hypnotherapy can help us to gain back that control by sorting out the issues in our lives that cause the subconscious to encourage those comfort responses, resulting in a reduction of stress or anxiety or lifting our feelings of low mood. By re-educating our eating habits too to more positive ones, the effect is a healthier you!
Please note, success is not guaranteed. Full client participation is essential and willpower is required in order to achieve long term success.

Habits, such as nail biting, hair pulling and thumb sucking, are usually developed early in life and are encouraged by the subconscious mind to alleviate the symptoms of stress, anxiety or even boredom. We can feel irritated by these habits as they are developed subconsciously and we are often unaware of them happening consciously. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, thereby putting us back in control of our lives and our behaviours! During hypnosis it’s possible to reframe those unwanted behavioural patterns and replace them with more positive and useful ones.

Fertility and childbirth
All too often when we decide we want to have a baby, it can become all encompassing, the focus of our every moment, almost obsessive at times. And when the expected event doesn’t happen, we can feel upset, deflated, disappointed and anxious as we become convinced that we are running out of time and that it may never happen. Fertility treatments, such as IVF, can add to the stress and anxiety that couples experience, as they wait to see if it has been successful. We are familiar with stories of couples who have given up trying to conceive that suddenly fall pregnant as the focus is returned to other areas of their life and stress and anxiety is reduced.
Hypnotherapy helps to support couples who are trying to conceive naturally, or who are going through fertility treatment, by regaining control of their lives once more, and reducing their stress and anxiety levels through relaxation and visualisation, thereby improving their chances of conceiving.
Most women in developed countries have been brought up to believe that childbirth is a painful and often distressing experience. Certain television programmes also promote this belief by portraying childbirth in a very dramatic way, and all too often women are subjected to other people’s stories of ‘how terrible it was for them’ but it doesn’t have to be like this! In other places in the world where giving birth is viewed as a ‘natural’ thing to do, women do not experience such painful labours; they don’t expect it to be painful and therefore it isn’t as they are much more relaxed. The birth and their recovery are also quicker.
Relaxation encourages the production of Oxytocin, an important hormone that promotes strong and effective contractions and the bonding of mother and baby. Relaxation through hypnosis and positive visualisation are pivotal to lowering feelings of fear and anxiety and women practicing these skills notice many benefits including shorter labour, less or no pain and more feelings of calm and control.

Performance anxiety
Quite often we can experience feelings of ‘stage fright’ when we are about to give a presentation or speech, take a test or compete in a sporting event. The underlying factor in all of these situations is anxiety as we can become aware that we are the centre of attention, that we might get something wrong and fail or do something embarrassing.
Hypnotherapy can help to relieve these feelings of anxiety through relaxation and mental rehearsal and reframing techniques during trance that result in a welcome return to calmness and control, and a performance we can be proud of!

Our lives can be so busy at times that we just keep going to the detriment of our body and mind as we put our wellbeing at the bottom of our list of things to do! Hypnotherapy is one of the easiest ways to ‘empty our stress bucket’ and reach a deep relaxation.
Stress can be lowered and a sense of calm and control is restored to our lives with a feeling of being refreshed and revitalised. Relaxation is an essential part of survival and good health and with regular practice we can feel the benefits long after our relaxation sessions have finished.

There are numerous phobias that we can suffer from, the most common being fear of spiders, public spaces and flying. The intense fear we feel means we spend a lot of time avoiding certain things or situations, and our world becomes smaller and smaller as we stop enjoying some of the things we used to.
Phobias usually develop as a result of a distressing or traumatic event, often in our childhood. Hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in helping people to overcome phobias through the use of relaxation to help lower levels of anxiety. The Rewind Technique, or Fast Phobia Technique, and a reframe or visualisation of how you would like to experience the situation is also used to regain control once again.